Sunday, August 3, 2008


Sunday , 3rd August 2008

Chip gives brain a link to world

A clinical trial was under way for the system that lets paralyzed or speechless people communicate and even move about in a wheelchair by means of a chip implanted on the brain's surface.

For use by people with:

  • Spinal chord injury
  • Paralysis due to stroke
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease)
  1. Person thinks about an activity,such as moving a computer cursor or turning on a television.
  2. Sensor chip detects faint electric impulses from nerve cells in brain.
  3. Wires transmit impulses to connector on skull
  4. Electronic amplifier strengthens signals
  5. Cable sends signals to personal computer, which carries out orders
  • Sends email or computer-generated voice messages
  • Controls telephone,television,lights
  • Controls medical device,drug delivery
  • Moves limbs, controls bowel or bladder(with mechanical assistance)
This article was published in 2006.

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