Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Tommorrow two weeks will get completed to Terrorists Attack on Mumbai.
And Still there are no signs of action taken by government. All people and politicians know that the attack was planned by pakistan. Then Why are we waiting.

Is this attack not enough to take action. All the parties are now busy enjoying there election win. They will forgot about what happen and all the same rountine will start over again.
Mumbai mirror did a great job by finding the pot holes in tarapur atomic center. they should continue there good work. Find as many loop holes in the security and make them realise that this lapse leads to major attacks.
Though people are coming in front through various organization, and have started protest.
All are afraid of this attack. We want justice. Pakistan or any nation will not tell that the attack was done by us. It is up to us to Do Right Think At Right Time.

Jai Hind

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